Far into the darkPlaces of despair I goFarther and fartherDownward I go fastUntil I can no longerStand on my own feetLaying bloody andBrusied, unrecognizableFrom battles I foughtProtecting me fromAn outright slaughter of faithA light from aboveLight piercing the darkGrowing brighter and brighterhelping me to standAngels surround meWith swords drawn at my defenseGiving me a hand.Christ will not leave mein the dark places aloneHe will send angelsHeaven's warriorsDefending this child of GodUntil I can standTrusting in JesusIn face of persecutionKnowing He protectsKeeping me by faith,The faith I was fighting for,The Promise of Christ.My future with HimIs a surety of mine,Praise the Lord, I'm free!
A few weeks ago my 4 year old son "L" asked me if we could go to the money store. I was confused as to where that really was so I told him that a "money store" didn't actually exist. He looked at me and said very plainly that it DID exist. I asked him where. He replied... Buffalo Run Casino. Well considering that I do not gamble I was surprissed that he thought a casino was a "money store". The wonderful world of commercials on Television.
"S" has passed away. I really do not know the state of her soul, although I was told that she said she was "ready to go". It is so hard on the family because she didn't tell anyone she was ill. One of her sisters found out only 3 weeks ago and the other 2 a week after that. The rest of us in the family found out on this past Sunday.I believe "S" was supposed to be here instead of her home when it was time to leave. She wanted to be around all her family...those who loved her and supported her unconditionally over the years. I will miss her. She was one of the most out going women I've ever known. Lord Jesus...keep her in Your hands now.
Why do I stress myself to a headache? How come I can not just let a worry go? "S" is dying and there is nothing I can do about it. I don't know if she is saved or not. I don't know if she even want to talk about salvation. "S" has been in the hospital since Sunday morning. I have not been able to go see her but hubby is there right now. I know I need to leave it all in the very capable hands of Jesus, but I can't help but worry.
There are days when all you can do is lean on the Word that says....James 5:14 "Is any sick among you? Let him call for the elders of the church; and let them pray over him,anointing him with oil in the name of the Lord."I have 2 cousins right now who have cancer. One "T" has breast cancer that has spread to her bones and "S" who has ovarian cancer which as done the same thing in her body. "S" was here at my house for a family reunion with "T" and wasn't feeling well so she went home. She didn't make it home because she is in the hospital right now.Prayer is something I continue to do suring the day. Ooohhh I'm not on my knees all day long, when I think of someone who needs prayer I lift them up right then. I may not remember the request later. James goes on to say..."The effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much."This is what we as a family are standing on. If you read this, please lift up both "T" and "S" to the Lord along with their families.
Ephesians 5:21-23.......Submitting yourselves one to another in the fear of God.(22)Wives, submit yourselves unto your own husbands, as unto the Lord. (23) For the husband is the head of the wife, even as Christ is the head of the church: and he is the savior of the body.Submit...a hard thing to do. Why? Why is it so hard at times to submit? Is it because we as women have grown up being told that we can have it all? There was a commercial in the 70's that said.. I can bring home the bacon, fry it up in a pan, and never, never let you forget your a man....Cause I'm a Woman.....There is a fine line between being a strong woman and a strong willed woman. What happened to putting someone else ahead of ourselves? The same thing that happened to the fathers out there. Women were told that they can have children and not need a man to help raise them.They are so far from the truth.
Good Morning! It is a nice day here today. The sun is shinning, the birds chirping, and the kids are awake.I'm so thankful for the life I have. My husband is a Godly man. He is the head of my home. He is the PRIEST of our home. This is what I want to talk about today from the woman's prospective.1 Peter 3:1 says.....Likewise, ye wives, be in subjection to your own husbands; that, if any obey not the word, they also may without the word be won by the conversation of the wives.Be in subjection....What does this mean? It means that we are to give our husbands the respect he is due. his is not a subjection of being beaten under him. No! It is a subjection of loving submission. Not all men are monsters. We do not loose our poweer if we are in subjection to our husbands. In fact it grants us MORE power.How? Well...if we put the desires of our husbands before our own desires he will be more willing to listen to our desires.He will be more inclined to try to move the world to make us happy. BUT that won't happen if we first don't submit to him as the SPIRITUAL head of the home. Women DO NOT need to be in charge of everything. IF we are truely Godly women we will lift our husbands up above ourselves and let him make the family decisions. I know this is hard in todays sociaty as we are told that we are the same as men and we have the right to take over the reigns of the home.We ahve to break this mold that has been made in the past 35 years. It is not BIBLICAL.To be continued.........
Ooops. I am trying to put a thingy on here that links Chriatian Women Online Blog Rolls..And I don't know where to put it! This is driving me nuts.
How did your 4th go? Mine was spent at the house with 3 of my 5 children. No fireworks for us this year. No extra money for that. Ohhhh... we had a few bottlerockets left over from last year so my middle son shot those off. The younger kids had no clue and really don't care yet. Maybe next year.
It is such a great day to celebrate the birthday of this great country of mine. Just think...we have a free country today because people came to this new world for freedom of religion. Those men and women wanted to worship our Lord and Savior in a fashion that was NOT state sponsered. What does that mean? State sponsered means when the state tells you how to worship. At this time in history, the English people had to worship the way the king or queen told them to. Queen Mary was Catholic so she hunted down the protestants and had them either jailed or put to death. She went even so far as to having ehr sister Elizabeth locked up in the Tower for being Protestant. Once Elizabeth became queen of England she told the people that they could worshhip however they wanted to, just as long as they were "quiet" about it. Now you know what state sponsered means. Religious freedom in this country means ANY religious form. People can worship the Trinity, they can worship God alone, they can worship Satan, they can even worship "mother earth" and be safe from arrest. But will our country ALWAYS be that way? I can only pray that it will be. My prayer is that the Rapture will happen before I see my great country fall from the grace of God that now holds us together inspite of all the types of worship that goes on.
I am all for learning new things. Even though I'm old fashioned and really don't want to change to much. I do know that we all have to grow. If we don't grow then we have become stagnant. Jesus talked once about being pruned. It is a painful thing to allow the Lord to do. If we are not putting forth fruit then we are in need of pruning. Pruning involves taking the old dried up things out. Only after we get rid of the old dried up things can we start to be productive again.
Well. My friend Carrie has turned me on to blogging. She has turned out to be a real good friend. I have come to love her so much. The Lord has put us together as prayer sisters and in that has bonded me to her. I want to say "Thank you, Carrie for being there for me this past few weeks."