Wednesday, July 4, 2007

Happy 4th of July 2007

It is such a great day to celebrate the birthday of this great country of mine. Just think...we have a free country today because people came to this new world for freedom of religion. Those men and women wanted to worship our Lord and Savior in a fashion that was NOT state sponsered. What does that mean?
State sponsered means when the state tells you how to worship. At this time in history, the English people had to worship the way the king or queen told them to. Queen Mary was Catholic so she hunted down the protestants and had them either jailed or put to death. She went even so far as to having ehr sister Elizabeth locked up in the Tower for being Protestant. Once Elizabeth became queen of England she told the people that they could worshhip however they wanted to, just as long as they were "quiet" about it. Now you know what state sponsered means.
Religious freedom in this country means ANY religious form. People can worship the Trinity, they can worship God alone, they can worship Satan, they can even worship "mother earth" and be safe from arrest.
But will our country ALWAYS be that way? I can only pray that it will be. My prayer is that the Rapture will happen before I see my great country fall from the grace of God that now holds us together inspite of all the types of worship that goes on.


  1. how neat...I find very few who have the same name. I hope you will return to my blog...and read my book.

  2. Karen!! Happy 4th to you too!!! I agree totally about the freedom to worship...that IS why a lot of people came to this place to begin with. I can only wait and watch as our country gets more and more closed minded...I do know though that the more and more we see them telling us what we can and cannot do that we are getting closer to the end and that means we are going HOME!!!! Praise GOD!!!
