As the first month of 2012 closes, I am reminded that there is always a season and a time for everything under heaven. There is a time to be born...
A time to be born. Not just a physical birth but a spiritual birth. Nicodemus asked Jesus, "Can a man enter into his mothers womb and be born a second time?" Jesus said that what He was saying is that our HEARTS need to be born again. Our souls need delivery from hell and the only way for that to happen is to ask for God to forgive you of your sins.
Once we ask God to forgive us, we are also asking Jesus to cleanse us from our sinful life by His Blood that was shed on Calvary. Jesus said that there is only ONE way to the Father and that was through Him, Jesus. No other name has the power to save. No other coulod have ever done what Jesus Christ did for us.
The new birth happenes and then most people think..Ok...I'm done now. I don't have to do anything else my whole life to go to heaven. that is not so. You have to change your life to reflect your belief that Jesus has washed you white as snow and you now LOVE Him.
Change the people you hang out with. Change the way you dress. Be seperate from everyone else. Jesus said that we are to come out from the way we had walked. The road you are on now is so much different than the one you had just been walking. Prove it to yourself and others. If you truely asked Jesus into your heart, you will WANT to live your life for Him.
Look into your heart. Have you been walking the way your should be? Are you just simply walking a road and feel like you are going nowhere? If you feel lost or stuck, then go to the Lord in prayer. Ask Him if you are where He wants you to be. If you do not hear an answer, then YOU have started walking down the wrong path. Get on the straight and narrow and live your life to the fullest.
saying yes...
I am blessed with nine gorgeous children, and I will be the first to
tell you there is no greater thing you can do with your life than mother
your ch...
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