Friday, February 17, 2012

I Belong the The Lord

I belong to the Lord. How do I know that? Well In Isaiah 43:1-7 it tells me. "Thou art mine", saith the Lord. When He called I answered. He called me out of a sinfilled life. He called me to teach a SUnday School class and then He called me to preach His Word. I answered each one of those calls. I gave my life over to Him. I teach and now I preach His Word.
  He said that when I go through things He will be there. He will keep me. He will notr let the rivers overflow me. Like Job, He will keep my from death. Even if the enemy is out to kill me, steal from me, or even destroy me, GOD will not let him. Job lost everything. Yet he didn't sin. He stayed faithful to the Lord. Paul, had been beaten, stoned and ship wreaked...and more than once. Yet he said that he counts it a blessing.
   God said that the Jewish people would come back from all over the world. And we have seen that happen in 1948 when Israel became a nation. They have had to fight for their land off and on since then but they are a sovereign nation. This is the beginning of the end of time. Jeremiah 23:3 says that Gods remnant will be gathered from all over and that they would increase.
   This can also be looked at as the Rapture of the church. When we think not the trump of God will sound and the dead in Christ will be raised....from the north, the south, the east and the west. the oceans will have to give up her dead. The lost men and women who are missing from a war or kidnapping, if they are saved and ready they will rise up to meet the Lord in the air. And then those of us who are still alive....of Praise the Lord...those of us who are alive and remain...WE shall be caught up together to meet HIM in the air! What a wonderful promise of God.
  God has never lied. If He promised that these things will happen then they will happen. He he WILL not break His promises to us. Are you ready to go? If you ae not I am asking you to please ask the Lord to forgive you of your sins. To come in and cleanse you. Then not to stop there but to come into your heart and life and live for Him. The only way to the Father is through Jesus Christ and Him Crucified.

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