Sleepless nights are the perfect time to pray. There is always a reason that a person cna't sleep. One of them maybe that the Lord has impressed upon you to pray for someone or something in particular. Another reason could be that the enemy does not want you to have the rest you need.
I can remember one time my Papa telling me to pray when I can't sleep. He said it puts you to sleep every time. Well I thougth "Of course it does! Prayer is boring." This was way back in the day when I was not a Christian. It was my Papa's way of wittnessing to me about the love of Jesus Christ even though I didn't know it.
Prayer is such an important part of my life now. I really enjoy talking to my Lord. I have learned to stop and listen too. Even though I am a "talker", I know that God don't care that sometimes I ramble on, He never gets tired of what I ahve to say.
Paul said that we are to be in prayer constantly. Now that don't mean that we are to be on our knees all the time and do nothing else in our life, no, what he is saying is that we are to be in the attitude of prayer. To praise the Lord for no reason at all just to say "I love you Lord" To life His name up in praise. When we are in that attitude of prayer it will come much more easily to pray for a need when we are called upon to pray.
Be ready at all times. Be sure that you can go to the Throne of God and petition Him for things without having to make sure you are clean and ready to go before Him. That is another thing that Paul talked about. Die daily. This means make sure that there is not one sin or thing that stands between you and God. That it all is under the blood of Jesus Christ our Savior.
So the next time you cannot sleep, try praying. God will answer your prayer one way or another, be it that you go back to sleep or that you sit up and post something on the computer that may help someone else in the world.
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