Head spinning. That is what I woke up to this morning. My head was spinning. I am allergic to alfalfa hay. I had to go pick up some for the horses. I was sick. Sick to the point of almost throwing up.
Once my head stopped spinning, I took a very hot shower and felt a lot better. I spent the rest of the day cleaning my desk. Then I cleaned out the drawers and found that I don't have to keep a lot of the things in their. It was some papers that Rosalie gave me before she died almost 2 years ago. Now I have one completely empty drawer. Things in that dresser was all LAVFW stuff.
Now that my desk is clean and things straightened, I feel like I'm more "together". I love the feeling of being organized. Now if my hubby would feel the same way.
I like the FlyLady website a lot. I don't do my life the way she has things laid out but I use the templet to lay it all out what DOES work for me.
saying yes...
I am blessed with nine gorgeous children, and I will be the first to
tell you there is no greater thing you can do with your life than mother
your ch...