This is the day the Lord has made. I will rejoice and be glad in it.
Can you truly say that statement? If you can not, look into yourself and ask yourself why. Why is it so hard to be glad for a new day when things are so difficult in your life? Is it because you are depressed about something that is completely out of your hands? Or is it because you are not happy in general?
Jesus Christ don’t want us to be unhappy. He wants us to rejoice in our SALVATION. Have you given all to the Lord? We can be happy in those hard times because our happiness don’t come from the things that we can acquire. True happiness is something that we receive from the Lord. We have to reach out and ask for the happiness that He has promised.
Things that we have been through is difficult enough when we have Jesus to lean on, imagine how difficult it would be if we don’t give it all to Jesus. So don’t pick up those things that you lay at the feet of Christ. When you are down on your knees and lay your burdens down before Him, leave them there. I know it is harder to do that say in some cases, but how can you expect Christ to move in your life concerning those burdens if you don’t let Him have them to do something with them?
So can you say that “This is the day that the Lord has made, I WILL rejoice and be glad in it”? If you can then I will rejoice with you. If you can not then I will pray with you if you want me to.
saying yes...
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