Saturday, January 31, 2009

Super Bowl

I have to admit that I haven't watched many football games this year. I ahve been to busy. I did catch one or two, but that isn't enough to really know how the teams play.

I am rooting for the Cardinals. Kurt Warner is one of my favorite quarterbacks. As a Christian who lives his life consistantly it is a great thing to see that he is going to the Super Bowl again.

So tomorrow after I get back home from church.....for I am not missing chuirch for a football game....I will watch the 2nd half of the game. That is always the best part of the game anyway.

It is Official

My Mother is moving here tomorrow. Yup. It's official.

Friday, January 23, 2009

Moving nearer to me

Maybe. It is my Mother. She lives in another state and I just learned last night that she was thinking about moving nearer to me. In actuality she wants to move NEXT door to me.

This is alright with me as my children really love to see their Grandma. They only get to see her now about once or twice a year, but if she is next door they will be able to see her all the time.

Mother has been taking care of her own mother and when she passed away she took care of her brother, as I mentioned the other day has also passed away. She needs a break from all the stress.

So I may have something I have not had since I was a very little girl. My mother living close to me. Isn't God wonderful?!

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Historic Day

The media has toted this day as an historic day. Another word they are using is "defining day". 40 Million dollars is the estimated cost of the parties, security and salaries for just today alone.

The Bible tells us that we are to pray for our leaders. That is what I have been doing for the past 20 years.....since I became a Christian......and I will continue to pray for the leaders of our Nation.

The future is uncertain. The Word tells us that we can not count on tomorrow, yet we can count on the Lord. Whatever He has in store for our Country, I know that I am secure in His hands.

The United States should continue to stand up for Israel. Stand up by her if we are needed. The Bible tells us that those who bless Israel, the Lord will bless also. This is something that is not only the obligation of a Nation but the obligation of each individual to lift this Nation of Israel up in prayer and to support them in their sovereignty.

President Obama, I pray that the Lord will guide you in all your endevors whhile you lead this great country of ours. God Bless you Sir, and your entire family.

Monday, January 19, 2009


Hope. It is something that I hold onto in the event that the loved one that has just passed away did not die in their sin. Hope is the emotion I hold in seeing them one day and that they did not die for an eternal death before them.

Why am I on this subject today? My Uncle passed away on Wednesday pass. He had diabeties. The kind you get as a child. He was diagnoised at teh age of 9, and wbout 22 years ago he had his first stroke. Then two years later he had anopther one so severe that it took away from him his vocabulary. His wife took their daughter and left him. This resulted in his daughter not being in any contact with her fatehr nor the rest of the family.

When my Uncle died we knew he wanted to be cremated. Well Illinois law states that if a person does not have it in writting then they can not be cremated without the signature of the next of kin. So for the past few days I ahve been trying to find his daughter. I even went so far as to get the police involved. They could not find her either. His obit has run in the paper since Thrusday hopeing that someone will read it and let her know or betetr yet she will read about it.

So as it stands if this woman does not contact the funeral home by this evening then my Mother and another Uncle will both have to sign the papers. So after about a week maybe my uncle will have his wish carried out. He didn't want a service of any kind either so that keeps a lot of the family from having to drive in the awful weather to say good by.

I talked to him just the other day. He was so fun to talk to even though he couldn't say exactly what he wanted to becasue it just wouldn't come out. So I have hope that when he knew he was dying...a heart attack... he turned to the Lord and asked for salvation. That is my HOPE.

Thursday, January 15, 2009

Been Playing

I have been playing on my blog here. I hope you enjoy the things I have added this morning.

You will find....... A game you can play, Pictures of Isreal, Christian photo's of the day at the bottom, and black and white photos of the day.

Also please add yourself to those who follow my blog. I would really like to know who you are.

What is happening in my world this morning? Well it is COLD!!!!! It snowed a little this morning too. But the temp is really cold. 7* right now. Brrrrrrr.... The kids went to school this morning and I expect them to stay there all day. The school will call me if they let out early. I like that.

Have a great day my friends.

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

The Kingdom of God

But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you.
Matthew 6:33

What is Jesus saying here? He is saying that the top priority in anyone’s life is the kingdom of God. The kingdom of God is Spiritual in character, and no human weapons can be used to establish it.. This is represented by the organized church, or the visible church if you will, but it is more comprehensive and greater than the visible church in anytime in history.

To the individual the kingdom of God means being brought into a personal relationship with God through subjection and devotion to Him, and a blessed spiritual relationship by the blood atonement for the cleansing of all sin.

To seek “first” means to seek God before and above everything else. Once we put God first then everything else in our lives will fall into their proper places.
Do you know this truth? Are you seeking after God and all His righteousness? If the answer is “I’m lacking in this” then come before the Lord. He will wash you clean and help you in seeking His righteousness

Monday, January 12, 2009

Home Blessings

Do you know the feeling of having a clean house all the time? When you walk into all of the bedrooms in the house and the beds are made and toys put away in the toy boxes. Dirty clothes in the laundry baskets, and dresser drawers closed. The feeling is wonderful.
What makes it so much more so is the fact that the children of the house has done all of these things before they left for school. The oldest still at home is 15 and the youngest is 6. How did this come to pass you may wonder. Well I have a system.
FlyLady has helped me with my daily cleaning but it seemed that I was still doing everything all by myself. So one day last month I decided that the children should also have their chores posted on the front door of the house. They can go to the door and read what they still need to do. I have it broken down into 3 different times of the day.
Before School
The children should have finished the following before leaving.
Get Dressed
Make bed
Fold pj’s and put under pillow for the night (they wear there bed clothes 2 nights in a row)
Brush hair
Brush teeth
After School
Do homework
Do their individual chores
Before Bed
Pick up toys and put away
Lay out clothes for next day
Brush teeth
Braid hair ( for the girls)
Make sure book bag is ready

Since I have started this it is easier on everyone. They know that they have these things to do. Once they finish a chore they will color the square that is next to it. I will then give the kids a sticker for that “time” if all the things are done and colored in (This is for the younger kids for motivation).
This teaches the children that they are responsible for their own rooms. It also teaches them respect for other peoples things. When they have to clean their own rooms they are less apt to go into another’s room and “trash” it because they know how hard it is to keep their own clean. Responsibility is something we need to teach our children at a young age. If we do not then they will grow up thinking that they should have everything handed to them on a silver platter.
So now that I have more time to study the Word and pray I am growing much more closer to the Lord. And THAT is such a wonderful feeling!

Friday, January 9, 2009


This is the day the Lord has made. I will rejoice and be glad in it.

Can you truly say that statement? If you can not, look into yourself and ask yourself why. Why is it so hard to be glad for a new day when things are so difficult in your life? Is it because you are depressed about something that is completely out of your hands? Or is it because you are not happy in general?

Jesus Christ don’t want us to be unhappy. He wants us to rejoice in our SALVATION. Have you given all to the Lord? We can be happy in those hard times because our happiness don’t come from the things that we can acquire. True happiness is something that we receive from the Lord. We have to reach out and ask for the happiness that He has promised.

Things that we have been through is difficult enough when we have Jesus to lean on, imagine how difficult it would be if we don’t give it all to Jesus. So don’t pick up those things that you lay at the feet of Christ. When you are down on your knees and lay your burdens down before Him, leave them there. I know it is harder to do that say in some cases, but how can you expect Christ to move in your life concerning those burdens if you don’t let Him have them to do something with them?

So can you say that “This is the day that the Lord has made, I WILL rejoice and be glad in it”? If you can then I will rejoice with you. If you can not then I will pray with you if you want me to.

Thursday, January 8, 2009

2009 New Year

Here it is a new year. 2009. Is it possible that the coming year will see the return of Christ? I truely hope so.

What has been happening with me. I became a grandma again. I love my grands. I also like the fact that they can go home when they get sugered up by Grandpa. Haha.

We have also changed church's. We are going to a small church nearer our home so it saves on fuel. The kids love it. We have become involved in the church. The Pastor came to my husband and asked him if it was alright if he asked me to teach the adult Sunday School class. My hubby said yes. So the Pastor came to me and asked if I would teach. I told him I would since I had been subbing for the past 2 weeks.

I taught the class without studying like a teacher. I had studied like I always did but it seems like they liked my style of teaching. Now I study like a teacher, and I find that I am learning more, much more than I ever thought I would learn. The Lord is opening my eyes and heart to get deeper in His Word. It is so awesome.